Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lake Weekend

We had a fun weekend at the lake. There was so much to do (here's our favorite memories)....

We played in the water... and yes even us gals jumped off!

We played on the porch A LOT!

We went out on the boat.

Compare these shots below of Addie on the boat just a year ago!

We lounged around and just relaxed.

Of course, we took LOTS of ADORABLE pictures!

We sang and jammed out a ton! Ben - you are a wonderful performer.

Addie got her hair pulled by her best friend EVEN MORE THAN ANYTHING! (These are just a few caught on film.)

1 comment:

  1. I love the flag pic...Way to represent Addie! All the matching outfits are so cute too! Do you guys wakeboard? I was just telling Nate the other day how we should just become a one car family and buy a boat. We will be too old to wakeboard by the time he is out of med school and actually has a paycheck again.
