Monday, June 29, 2009

"Suprise 60th" was a SURPRISE!

Here's her priceless face! Unexpectedly the whole room starting tearing up including myself when we saw her excitement... Everything was perfect! The hours upon hours of party planning were so worth it when the night went off perfectly and I was relaxed and ready to enjoy the night and celebrating with my mom!

In honor of my mom, the DJ played the "Eyes of Texas!"And since an Aggie was footn' the bill, he quickly played our Texas A&M War Hymn!
The 2 Aggies and 2 Longhorns that could manage to be BEST FRIENDS!
For me, the best and most memorable, part of the night was watching my 94 year old amazing "MeMa" getting down to the 1970's rock music. The laughter coming out of her mouth was something I have never heard and NEVER want to forget! This was in celebration of her day 60 years ago when she had mom!Then the dancing really began! We did these crazy new non-country "line dances," that literally tell you what to do next.... my kind of dancing!
The last dance of the night....

I will also never forget my mom walking into my house (slightly hungover) the very next morning to babysit Carter and Addie and saying,

"Man.... you know how to throw a party!" I LOVE IT!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Blake's 3rd Father's Day

What could be a better Father's Day then spending outside in the water and sun?!
Mike & Ella, Andy & Drew, Blake, Carter & Addie on Father's Day!
Addie getting Ella back on the hair pulling when she had an opportunity!Instead of even braving a nice meal out, we grilled filets, baked potatoes, the "Perkins Salad!" The kids tore up the steak!
Then we hit the pool, Ella got a ride there....Addie continues to be a water baby... we practiced going under for the first time this weekend and she did GREAT!
Ella and Addie having some fun in the baby pool!
To keep it fair, Addie got the ride home!

Happy Father's Day to you Blake. I hope that I tell you everyday and not just on this special day how incredible of a father you are. Words can not express how blessed the 3 of us are to have you and we love you very much!

Friday, June 19, 2009

My 2 1/2 Year Old.

Dear Carter,

Today you are 2.5 years old and I can honestly say you are the most amazing child I have ever met.

Why are you so amazing? You have grown to be so loving and giving to everyone around you…. your sister, father and me.

When you run to me with a big hug and say, “Mama, I ‘loofe’ you,” it melts my heart. Having you tell me, “Tickle me hard,” while giggling uncontrollably is the sound of pure joy and makes nothing else in the world matter. You have done what nobody else could ever get me to do, Carter, and that is not to worry about anything else when I am with you. You have taught me in the last 2.5 years not just to be physically present but 100% mentally present with you and your sister and not worry about work or any outside fuss going on.

You have truly put my life in balance. I am ever so grateful to you for teaching me this early on so that I never have regrets later in life.

On this special day and every other day in your life, please know that I am here for you always and forever – 100 percent!

I love you,

Your Mom

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Sweetest Sound in the Whole Wide World!

This morning, while Carter was eating breakfast, this is what I heard... I sprinted to get a camera and had to hide while I taped it so you will need to turn up your sound!!! I just love his sweet voice!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

What we have been up to in June?

Not anything big... really just hanging out and enjoying the summer! Hanging upside down! and getting a little dirty!!!! Having some friends over at the pool... here is JD.
We had Drew over a couple of times for an after dinner swim! Carter has hit the driving range some to perfect his swing...
And what's early summer without a little yard work?!?! Blake has been begging me for the last 4 years to let him rip out all the rosemary bushes that surround our house...
I finally said, "let's do it!"
So last week, we just planted some low compact bushes that won't hide the house...

This weekend, after driving around some beautiful houses after our "date-night" Thursday night, we decided to plant a few more things! We love it!

Now, we are waiting for the kids to wake up and are headed to Sea World!!! YEA!!