Friday, January 16, 2009

A Two-Year Old Rock Star Who Loves His "Wiggles" sleep shirt...

...and he has never even seen the TV show! Weird... I know, what a 2 year old old will take a strong liking to?!? Cousin Marshall gave Carter a ton of PJ's and every night for the last week, Carter has insisted on wearing this "Wiggles" shirt. Since it is short-sleeve and it has been quite cold, I make him wear it over his other PJ's!
Little Addie has been horribly sick since Tuesday with what the doctor thinks is "Roto-virus." She has had severe problems on both ends and unfortunately this has been a week full of travel for Blake, however, Carter has been the stellar big brother listening to mommy so well and being such a loving and kind big brother! Thanks Carter-man!

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