Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Carter's 1st Sports Camp

So, I had to miss the first day of camp for Carter for a work meeting in Austin so I had everything he needed laid out for Blake in the morning to make it as easy as possible and to help relieve some of the guilt I had for not being there.
Each day, when Carter arrived, the counselors would be there ready to meet Carter right away. He would be a little timid at first and would quickly got in the routine of finding his name to hang up his bag and find his blue mug with his name on it and get it filled up with water and ice before meeting all his other friends 3.5-7 on the tennis court.
Each and every MORNING and AFTERNOON, Grandpa was there before us ready to play with the kids until camp began. He would also meet Carter, Macy and Marshall each and every afternoon for an ice cream snack. It was such a special treat and we are so thankful to Grandpa and YaYa for doing this for Carter.
They would warm up to stretch and this would be the time we adults would head out!
THE BIGGEST THANK YOU goes to my INCREDIBLE step-sister Julie for filling in my slack while I was gone and picking up Carter a couple of the afternoons. Julie, you are amazing and I am so lucky to have you! I OWE YOU big time again... so next time you and Sean need a date night.... you better call us!!!
Carter got the award for, what else, but BASKETBALL and we are so proud of him!
What an amazingly positive experience for Carter's first "camp" exposure... I have a inkling we will have many more in the future years with this boy. Right now, we have him excited for Addie joining him in 2012!!

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