Monday, April 19, 2010

Carter: Fabolous at 40!

MONTHS that is!
This continues to be an incredible age for Carter. One that we love, Love, LOVE! He is a joy to be around majority of the time. His memory is getting so sharp and he loves saying funny words any chance he can get. Sports and balls continue to be a focus and we find it funny how every night he wants to sleep with something different... a plastic bracelet, Coyote stuffed animal, a "Nemo" house shoe, a football helmet, a jersey or perhaps the newest little plastic wind up toy he got to choose in the "prize box" at school for being good.  Also, over the last 2 months, he is obsessed with his clock in his room. As part of the ritual of tucking him in bed for naps or at bed-time, we must bring over his clock (digital) and he wants to tell us the exact time it is. One cool thing that he has learned by doing this, as an examples, say the time is 8:31, he used to say "eight-three-one."  He now knows how to pronounce it correctly as "eight-thirty-one!"
The story behind this picture is last weekend, he was flipping through a Consumer Reports magazine and found this "MILK" add and wanted to know what was on Jerry O'Connell's face and why he had a "milk mustache?"
After I explained why, he immediatlely wanted to make one on himself. (This is what I caught in the bathroom.) He was holding the glass of milk up to his mouth for over 60 seconds thinking that it would make it darker. Over and over again.
That is our 3 year old...


  1. I heard they acutally use glue in the "Got Milk" photo shoots...but don't tell Carter that! :)

  2. wow..those are gorgeous close ups!!! He belongs in a milk ad! hehe!
