Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's Official... I'm a BIG BOY and POTTY TRAINED!

2 weeks ago, I thought I was at my witt's end with potty training and about to throw in the towel out of MAJOR frustration and significant steps backward. We had started this whole potty training thing at exactly 24 months when he went in the little potty for the very first time on Christmas Day morning... it was my Christmas gift from Santa (I had thought!) There have been many UPS and DOWNS, but the one hump we couldn't get over was going #2 in the big boy potty.

Well, out of pure desperation... I went to what has worked so well with Carter for the last year and that is "bribery!" At a recent trip to Academy, we allowed him to pick out any 1 item he wanted. Thank goodness, it resulted in a $8.99 black leather baseball glove. We let him play with it a ton at Academy and got him real excited about it however on the way home, we explained that he wasn't going to get the new glove until he was a "big boy" and went #2 in the potty. Once we got home (on a Sunday afternoon) up on his shelf it went.....

and stayed.... until Tuesday morning.... when he got up for the morning and said he needed to go... and he WENT! And we CELEBRATED and called daddy on the phone (who was on a plane to California!) We got the glove down and Carter proceeded to even sleep with it several nights but suddenly started telling us when he needed to go, EVEN AT SCHOOL, as if he had been doing it for YEARS! CRAZY.... but it has been over a week and in that time, he has only had 1 accident!

GO CARTER.... at 31 months, check that New Year's Resolution off your list! (and your mom and dad just got a $40/month raise!)


  1. Awesome! Good job Carter, and Congratulations mom and dad!

  2. Yea! I'm so excited! That last picture is priceless! He looks so proud! :)

  3. So proud! Congrats Carter! I'm a little jealous to be honest....I tried the toy bribe yesterday with jd and he told me he would just wait for Santa to bring it to him! :) I'm trying to be patient....
