What a perfect fall football weather day it was for Carter's BIG 3rd Birthday Party this past Saturday morning. The 24 degrees weather didn't keep the nearly 60 of our closest friends and family away from this football game!
Inside the "Brown Stadium," it was warm and toasty with coffee and hot chocolate ready to keep all the players, cheerleaders and fans warm.
A special thanks to Mike and Andy for supplying the coolest decorations for Carter's party, all their vintage football gear from MacArthur and TCU!

The decorations were 100 pictures I found of Carter from the age of 3 months until now with some kind of ball in hand. Some kids have a security blanket however anyone who knows Carter knows that his has ALWAYS been a BALL.

The other decorations were just signs that I made to decorate the house. They turned out really fun and every time I made one, another idea for one would pop into my mind.
Pre-game festiviteis included a "Spirit Shop" where the kids could get tattoos to support their teams.
The first quarter the cheerleaders and little fans got warmed up on the bouncy house, roller coaster and electric tractor.
The second quarter had a kicking contest on the amazing field that Blake made with spray paint complete with a goal post made out of PVC pipe.
At half time there were many other sports to play including baseball and golf.
After half time, the players entered the field with a "break through" the kids colored inside when they had arrived.
The 3rd quarter's highlight was the birthday cake.
The 4th quarter consisted of a pinata that ALL the kids got a swing at! Then the biggest "kid" of all broke it for all the good stuff to come out.
All of Carter's grandmothers were there in full support, Lolli, MeMe and Ya-Ya.
To Our Sweet 3 Year Old Carter,
Your 3rd year has continued to be such a joy being your parent (on most days!) You continue to amaze us with how smart, athletic, kind and sensetive you are. We are so proud of the little boy you are becoming and look forward to enjoying every second of your 4th year together. We love you more than you will ever know.
Momma & Dadda
Happy Birthday Carter! Ryan turns 4 in April. I will contacting you soon to help me plan his party:)