Similar to last year's TOP 10 LIST at 2 YEARS OLD #10-8, #6 & 5, #4, #3, #2 & #1, we are doing it again! This is a list of Carter's TOP 1o list RIGHT NOW as he is turning 3 years old in just 3 days. Drum roll please!
# 10. - His Tricycle
Now that Carter has been able to confidently ride his tricycle completely by himself for the last 4-5 months, he has become very independent when we go on walks (except on big hills of course.) This Kettler tricycle has been such a great purchase for his 1st birthday and has continued to be a sturdy staple in our home!
#9. - Trains
#9. - Trains
Suddenly, in the last 3 months, Carter has become fascinated with trains so we knew what would be a perfect birthday gift for him. Even before he got this wonderful wooden train set from Ya-Ya and Grandpa, he constantly said he wanted a train set from Santa. Now, since he has the train set, the #1 gift he is asking from Santa is "Thomas" from Thomas The Train. He spends so much time just walking in circles around his train table softly going, "chuga chuga chuga." The biggest worry he has is his 19 month old sister regularly coming in and destroying his track. ;)
Before and After...
#8. - Finding things outside like rocks & acorns
Everyday, when we get to daycare to pick him up in the afternoons, acorns are filling his take home folder from a successful day out on the play ground. During acorn season this fall, our walks around the neighborhood last twice as long and are half the distance, the time well-spent finding acorns. At the lake each visit, one of the very favorite activities we do many times a day is collecting rocks and sticks to throw into the lake. Such a sweet nature lover little boy, our Carter is!
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