Here's her priceless face! Unexpectedly the whole room starting tearing up including myself when we saw her excitement...
Everything was perfect! The hours upon hours of party planning were so worth it when the night went off perfectly and I was relaxed and ready to enjoy the night and celebrating with my mom!

The 2 Aggies and 2 Longhorns that could manage to be BEST FRIENDS!

For me, the best and most memorable, part of the night was watching my 94 year old amazing "MeMa" getting down to the 1970's rock music. The laughter coming out of her mouth was something I have never heard and NEVER want to forget! This was in celebration of her day 60 years ago when she had mom!
Then the dancing really began! We did these crazy new non-country "line dances," that literally tell you what to do next.... my kind of dancing!
The last dance of the night.... 

I will also never forget my mom walking into my house (slightly hungover) the very next morning to babysit Carter and Addie and saying,
"Man.... you know how to throw a party!" I LOVE IT!
Great pictures! I will be sure to get you all of mine soon!!