With 1/4 of 2009 already in the books, it is time to re-visit our family's New Year's
1. Carter's
resolution was to be potty trained. It is still an on going process. We have really good days and weeks and then not so consistent ones. I have to admit, majority of the problem is
us not being as consistent with him as they are at school! We have made major progress and know we will be there soon,
especially if mom and dad get their acts together!!!!
2. Addie's resolution is to learn to walk. She has made major progress with this since the new year began. Beginning to crawl just a few weeks ago and now standing up on everything are steps in the right direction. 3. Megan's new years resolutions included learning some new hobbies. I have taken a digital photography class, teaching myself to use
Photoshop and probably Blake's favorite, taking up golf. After a couple of trips to the driving range, we got to go play our first real round of golf. (Actually only 9 hoes... Blake didn't want me to get frustrated and wanted me leaving wanting more... which worked! We had a GREAT TIME!)

4. Blake has no updates! As of Feb, he couldn't think of anything...so I gave up asking!!!!! ;)
Smart guy! I think 9 holes is a perfect amount of golf for me!