Blake, Carter and I got to go to the rodeo today. He LOVED the actual rodeo performance... his favorite 2 events by far were the "Mutton Bustin" and the "Barrell Racing." He kept saying "go fast... go fast," when the horses came out sprinting! The Metcalf's were in the family box with us and came prepared as always with great snacks to keep Carter entertained if he did get a little antsy. 
Afterwards we walked the grounds of the rodeo and Carter, of course, found every ball game in a mile radius. We were able to detour him for a while with the Petting Zoo, which had some very interesting animals... including one that continuously insisted on stealing some paper out of Blake's back pocket and not giving it back. I think I would rather fight with a 2 year old than one of those things!
Towards the end... Carter was so unbelievably focused on finding another "baseball game, " that we finally gave up going into tents to explore and headed to the car. This was the most intense focus he had on finding a ball to play with that we both have ever seen!
(This was his persistent face at our breaking point right before we headed to the car... imagine him saying "play baseball.... play baseball" a hundred times in 30 minutes!) We ABSOLULTY LOVE his DEDICATION!
The picture of Blake made me laugh out loud. That is too funny!