Well, we figured at 26 months it was just plain TIME for Carter to move into a "big boy bed!" We made the transition this week and surprisingly it has been perfectly smooth (besides 1 little hiccup.) This was Carter's face the first time he saw it! He was so excited!
And so proud! He has done so well in it every night. We told him he can' t get out until it is light outside and Mommy and Daddy come and get him. Well... the third morning, he was talking VERY LOUDLY and so the second time I went in at 6AM to tell him to not wake up his sister, I threw his door open and CRASH!!!! He had gotten out of bed for the first time and was trying to open the door. So he has a little bit of a busted lip. I am so so sorry Carter!
I have to say, the main reason I wanted to switch him into this bed wasn't because he was trying to climb out, it was because I wanted to be able to climb in and read books with him. Carter still LOVES to read books constantly and we were always leaning over the bed rail to read to him. Now we can lay in bed and hang out with books in the mornings and nights! FUN!

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
It was Blake's birthday weekend and annual golf weekend with a bunch of his friends. They headed to San Diego for the weekend. Back at home, Carter had a super busy weekend! It started with a fun play date with JD! Here Carter is helping one of his best buddy's climb up the wall... so helpful!

We also pulled out the Bounce House with the beautiful February weather and Avery and Carter found a new way to bounce inside the basketball goals!
Look at this "good looking duo"... Addie and I went and visited Mema!
Saturday morning, Cash & his mommy came over to hang out. I look forward to all of Carter's play dates as much as he does because all his friends' moms are super cool!
Early Saturday morning, I took my "duo" to HEB! They were so cute sitting in the cart together!
Here's a trio... on Sunday morning, we got a call from Grandpa Joe and Ya-ya wanted to come and get Carter and take him to the Farm for the afternoon with cousins Macy and Marshall! Carter got to see lots of cows and the family's miniature horse.. Diego!

Friday, February 20, 2009
3 Quarters of a Year Already... Please Slow Down!
Addie & I just returned from her 9 month checkup where everything was very good.
I can't belive it has already been 9 months. Here are a few things I wanted to write down to remember her by at this wonderful age! And a few pictures of her at 9 months old!

- Her hair started really growing resulting in some definite curls
- Eyes are still blue (little hazel in there too!)
- No teeth just yet
- Sweet & cuddley temperment
- Absolutley infatuated with her big brother, a remarkable bond has really started from 8 months & on with both of them
- She does get upset if she is given to someone else other than mom or dad who is not as familiar
- Loves her walker and Baby Einstein video each morning
- Rolls to get some place or something
- Grabing for everything.... goes from sitting to stomach and onto hands and knees to reach something
- Loves to be outside
- Enjoys every veggie and fruit baby food she has tried, eating baby food improved dramitacally, almost overnight, at 8 months
- At 9 months, comfortably wearing all 12-18 month clothes
- weight - 21 lbs & 7 oz (90%); length - 29" (90%); head circumference - 47 (>97%)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Love is...
Love is when Maverick & Smokey lick our faces even after we left them outside all day.

Love is mommy trying to never say no when daddy asks to play golf.
Love is my sister loving balls as much as I do!
Love is when daddy makes coffee for mommy and he takes a sip before giving it to her, to make sure its not too hot.
Love is my brother yelling "Addie" and giving me a big hug at the end of every day when he sees me.
Love is when mommy sees daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Carter's 1st Trip to the Rodeo!
Blake, Carter and I got to go to the rodeo today. He LOVED the actual rodeo performance... his favorite 2 events by far were the "Mutton Bustin" and the "Barrell Racing." He kept saying "go fast... go fast," when the horses came out sprinting! The Metcalf's were in the family box with us and came prepared as always with great snacks to keep Carter entertained if he did get a little antsy. 
Afterwards we walked the grounds of the rodeo and Carter, of course, found every ball game in a mile radius. We were able to detour him for a while with the Petting Zoo, which had some very interesting animals... including one that continuously insisted on stealing some paper out of Blake's back pocket and not giving it back. I think I would rather fight with a 2 year old than one of those things!
Towards the end... Carter was so unbelievably focused on finding another "baseball game, " that we finally gave up going into tents to explore and headed to the car. This was the most intense focus he had on finding a ball to play with that we both have ever seen!
(This was his persistent face at our breaking point right before we headed to the car... imagine him saying "play baseball.... play baseball" a hundred times in 30 minutes!) We ABSOLULTY LOVE his DEDICATION!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Trip to the Zoo!
Carter and I made a trip to the zoo this week. This is the perfect age for Carter and the zoo... he loves all the animals and making the sounds they say. He was so good sitting in his little stroller the entire time and then he would jump out to look at an animal and hop right back in all by himself when he was ready to move on!
They have the coolest new exhibit - Africa and this enormous indoor tank with 2 amazing hippos! They are so close and swim so gracefully.
Jake, Barrett and Carter just watching.
Carter loved the "Reptile House" and specifically the turtles that were everywhere... here he is pointing them out with Barrett.
They have these 3 monkey's - dad, mom and baby that Carter was very cautiously intrigued by.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Sunday visit from Ya-Ya & Mema!
What a perfect day to spend with Ya-Ya and Mema... they came over to spend a few hours with the us. We just played outside and enjoyed the weather and company. Carter even got beautiful 94 year old Mema to go down the slide at the play ground (I am so sad I didn't get it on camera!) Carter might be a little sales man, talking her into it so easily!

Even Mema got in on the irresistible Brown basketball court in the living room!
That afternoon and evening we had a "Kid's Super Bowl Party/Night," meaning we were all in bed by half-time! So much fun!
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