We couldn't have asked for a better weekend. I got a fun girls' night and Blake, a perfect round of golf and in the midst of that.... we had our dear friend Barrett's 2nd birthday. "Balls" to Carter is what "Choo-choo trains" are to Barrett, so his mom did a terrific job planning the cutest choo choo train birthday party!

She hand-made the perfect cake! Happy Birthday Barrett!

Poor Addie has now been sick for 6 full days, but she can still let a smile out!

This weekend was all about "potty training" for Carter. We can't
believe the amount of interest and dedication he has shown. (Blake keeps saying he is his mother's son because it is somewhat
ridiculous!) He stayed dry all day today, even during his nap... he really has #1 down well going 6-8 times during the day! However... number 2 has been a different story. We missed the opportunity Saturday while at the party so we tried and tried all day Sunday!

To make the #2 happen, we were popping Prunes like candy... here is Carter showing me his prune! His normal time of the day came and went and nothing came! But he would not give up OR GET OFF THE POTTY!!!!

Carter has "Aggie" the Bear that is learning to use the Potty with him... notice Aggie even got a sticker for using the potty!

This house-hold, the past week, could be on a commercial for Lysol products! Forget the "Gerber" baby, Addie has an audition for the "Lysol" baby!

Notice... her hair is starting to grow and
definitely have some curl to it as well!

We always potty in the bathroom, however, today we spent so much time on the potty (2 hours STRAIGHT) this afternoon, that I had to have a change of scenery & Addie wanted to move around!!

This afternoon, it was so beautiful, that we spent the entire evening on the tennis courts next door. Carter loves the racket Me-me gave him last year!

But Maverick probably had the most fun!

Carter insisted on playing with daddy's full size racket!

Who knows... tennis maybe in his future!

Even Addie was showing a strong interest!

But of course, as always, her main interest his her 4-legged brother, Maverick!

Since we have let Carter's hair grow out some, we discovered that he
definitely has some curl!
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