Well, I have to say Monday was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be dropping her off. I wasn't officially back at work until Tuesday but I decided I better go ahead and do a "practice run." I dropped her off with no problems, left and got all the way home and was fine. It wasn't until I sat down in the office and turned on the computer that I realized this was the first time in nearly 3 months I didn't have her with me or at least in the room next door. I didn't get teary eyed or emotional but rather sick... sick to my stomach. I couldn't eat anything all day until nearly 4PM when I was on my way to pick her up. When I got there, of course, the wonderful ladies said she had done fine. She had a hard time initially taking a bottle but after quite a while, she got the hang of it. All she wanted to do when she got home was sleep since she hadn't slept too well with all the normal noise she isn't used to. That is what I get for letting her learn to sleep with a loud air filter right by her bed! I was in a horrible mood the whole rest of the night and physically sick but Tuesday morning came and I had Blake take her so that I would pick her up instead and the day was much better for me.
fantastic thing is that Ella Perkins (Addie's best friend) is in the same class with Addie so it's great because when Megan or I pick up/drop off, we can text or call each other and let each other know what the other baby is doing and reassure each other that they are doing well. I realized this afternoon at 4PM how great that is when I received a text from Megan saying Addie was getting her diaper changed and she got to talk to her, etc... The little things that make us working mom's feel good inside! Thanks Megan (Perkins)!
Here are a couple of pictures of Addison's first day at "school."
This is our sweet Miss Connie that is so wonderful with Carter and now with our sweet daughter Addie! They are lucky to have her and all the great ladies at day care.
I have been thinking about you all week. I'm sure it will get easier.