The doctor is amazed and said she is one of the healthiest kids he has seen! Dr. Cuming said she is very well proportioned and is in the 75% percentile for weight at 8lb 13 oz and 90% percentile for height at 21 inches and her head is measuring at the 89%percentile! She is doing wonderfully! After our 2 week appointment yesterday, we picked up Mema (Addison and Carter's great grandma) and she came over and hung out with the kiddos and had dinner with us!

I unwrapped her from one of her afternoon naps trying to wake her up... but it didn't work. One of my work colleagues sent her this "High Maintenance" onsie... we knock on wood everyday because so far she has been a breeze! But we all know things can change!

Our doctor, yesterday, told us to write down every personality trait she has at 2 months of age and seal in in an envelope and hand it to her husband unopened on her wedding day and that 90% of the time, the same traits she had at 2 months will be what she is like as an adult! We are going to try it out!

More kisses from Carter. That is all he really does with her. He doesn't try to touch her or anything, just a quick kiss and back to playing basketball!

My wonderful husband who has turned a game into playing with Carter everyday! The goal of the game is to wear Carter out before he wears us out! So far, Blake has won most days!
She is beautiful!