We welcomed Addison on Tuesday, May 20 at 4:51 PM. She came out healthy and pink weighing in at 7 lbs and 13 ounces. Blake got to actually deliver her and he said it was one of the most amazing experiences he has ever had.
Less than 3 days old, Addison got to meet her much anticipated good friend - Miss Ella Perkins. Although Megan and Mike didn't know what they were having until the birth.... Addie and I were praying for a little girl! Ella is 9 days old here.
This was Addison's first bath, which she loved! Like any lady, she enjoyed getting her hair washed!
Grandpa Lance was in town for the weekend and so Addison got some good time with him!
Her eyes are dark bluish gray, similar to Carter's at this age. She also has her big brother's cheeks! In her first 7 days, she has been on a great 3 hour schedule of eating, staying awake for 30 or so minutes and then sleeping until her next feeding. We are praying that this continues as it did with Carter and develops into some great sleeping habits down the road.
What a beautiful girl!Congratulations!