Friday, May 30, 2008
"What does Carter think of Addison?"
That is the number one question we hear right now. You know, we really didn't force Addison on Carter at all. We have been trying to give him just as much attention especially when she is in the room. But since she sleeps 20 hours a day, Carter hasn't had too much to do with her yet. Slowly though, we are encouraging more interaction. Here are some of the first introductions....
Carter wanted to check her ear out!
But then bent over and gave her a kiss!
I guess you can consider this a kiss!
Or smashing her face... she didn't seem to mind!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Introducing Miss Addison Paige....
We welcomed Addison on Tuesday, May 20 at 4:51 PM. She came out healthy and pink weighing in at 7 lbs and 13 ounces. Blake got to actually deliver her and he said it was one of the most amazing experiences he has ever had.
Less than 3 days old, Addison got to meet her much anticipated good friend - Miss Ella Perkins. Although Megan and Mike didn't know what they were having until the birth.... Addie and I were praying for a little girl! Ella is 9 days old here.
This was Addison's first bath, which she loved! Like any lady, she enjoyed getting her hair washed!
Grandpa Lance was in town for the weekend and so Addison got some good time with him!
Her eyes are dark bluish gray, similar to Carter's at this age. She also has her big brother's cheeks! In her first 7 days, she has been on a great 3 hour schedule of eating, staying awake for 30 or so minutes and then sleeping until her next feeding. We are praying that this continues as it did with Carter and develops into some great sleeping habits down the road.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Addison Paige Brown's Milestones Since Birth
Addison Paige Brown's Milestones Since Birth
- Came home Friday with 103 temp after 2 kids in her class had same temp 2-3 days prior, not other symptoms. I think her LEFT ear was infected due to her SCREAMING in pain after putting alcohol drops in LEFT ear after swimming the day before this & also could see a little dried drainage coming out of left ear. Since Friday night, treated with ear drop antibioics we had on hand 2X a day and fever subsided by Sunday - 2 weeks before 2nd birthday
- Sudden coughing returned at night waking her up multiple times howevery NO OTHER SYMPTOMS or much coughing during the day. Took to Dr. Cuming and said either beginning of cold or allergies. We treated at 5PM with 4 ML of Zyrtec and NOT ONE COUGH ALL NIGHT!!!! - 23 months (April)
- FULL OUT TANTRUMS if something doesn't go her way in the last 2 weeks. It can be that I gave her "milky" in a wrong sippy cup, Ella took her "baby" or that we ask her to sit down to eat dinner. The thing is that once she gets "worked up" over anything, it takes 45 min - hour for her to calm down. (This is similar behavior dating back from when she was 2 months old.) Meltdowns usually happen around 6-7 PM and we have 1/day. - 23 months
- 8 day follow up after Addie's recent sickness. Left ear still had fluid in it although Dr. Cuming could see the tube was still in place. Changed her antibiotic to 5 day zithromycin and changed drops to Ofloxacin for 7 days. No wheezing at all in chest therefore we have stopped all breathing treatments. Dr. belives cough related to allergies since been lingering for almost 3 weeks and with a clear runny nose. - almost 23 months (6 days later cough getting better ever day and correlating to "oak levels" decreasing this week
- 30 pounds - at doctor's office (22.5 months)
- 2 times in 1 week - "gunk" coming out of Addie's left ear, 1 week later began suddenly threw up in middle of night 3X but acted fine next morning w/ no other symptoms except very runny nose. Then occas. wet/dry cough began and she started acting very strange and clingy, took immediately into Dr. Cuming on Good Friday; diag w/ LEFT ear infection (can't see tube) and thinks some kind of stomach virus. Rx'd Amoxicillian and antibiotic ear drops 2X/day. Over weekend, cough started getting really bad and lots of wheezing; doing breathing treatments every 4 hours (Sunday-Easter) )to get under control. Besides cough, she is fine - 22.5 months
- Beginning to tell us proactively when she needs to go "potty," otherwise if we ask her every hour, she will accurately tell us, "yes" or "no." She is still wearing pull up to school as she is still not making through nap time dry on many days - 21 months
- Loves having her baby and baby blanket with her more and more (loves to "pat" them to sleep) - 21 months
- Has become an incredible eater over the last month, will eat anything and a ton of it! - 21 months
- Addison tries to COPY EVERYTHING Carter does (both good and bad, for instance, we have contests on who can eat bigger bites of food at dinner & as a result, they will both eat a TON) - 21 months
- Her tongue is STILL constantly out to the side of her mouth when does everything like running or playing (just like her brother) - 21 months
- Weight - 21 months naked - 28.5 pounds (her BFF Ella has finally equaled her in the weight at this point!)
- Loves her nails clipped... can't just do fingers, she wants us always to do toes as well - now since 17 months
- 21 months is such a great age for Addie - mostly sweet, listens well, communicates well with "okay" or "yes;" pottying in the potty most all the time except occasional accidents at nap time and not staying dry over night; still dislikes most things in her hair at this age; favorite movie is Polar Express; LOVES books all day long; loves patting her babies to sleep under blankets; eating very well all foods; good going "night-night" now & loves sleeping on her pillow; LOVES the dogs and all animals (Future vet?!!?); has no fear with everything still
- 9 days of coughing(nasal congestion)/super runny nose/ low grade fever never above 100 for 3-4 days. Night times particularly horrible sleeping waking up crying out of frustration. Treated with over the counter day/night cough medicine/ saline nose spray sometimes suctioning (which she HATED!) and breathing treatments 2-3X/day days 3-4 and one time at night days 5-9 - 1 wk prior to 21 months
- She LOVES jumping. Whe we read Olivia book of opposites and "up" and "down," she runs off to jump up and fall down a million times - 20 months
- Shakes her "finger" and says "No No" when someone is not supposed to do something - 20 months
- Over the same weekend of 24 hour stomach bug, I return to home on Sunday evening and spend the entire following day home with kids to find that Addie has suddenly potty-trainned herself. She wore big girl undies ALL day today and had NOT ONE accident. WEIRD!!!! (Not expecting this to last.) - 3 days shy of 20 months
- Blake got a call from daycare while I was in Mexico on Friday morning at 9AM, she was suddently throwing up multiple times with NO OTHER SYMPTOMS (trip to Dr. Cumings) until following day with bad 12 hours of diarrhea and then as quicly as came, it was gone. No others in class got it. - almost 20 months
- We realized we haven't given Addie Prevacid at all in last 2 weeks - nearly 20 months old
- Over the last 2 weeks, Addie has been regularly going pee-pee in potty before bath time each night and also at least 1X at school during the day. Over the last 3 days, she has also gone #2 in the potty at home (This is without any focused initiation of true potty trainning yet.) - 19 months & 3 wks
- One week after being sick previously, Addie presented with congestion, cough that woke her up at night and low grade temp of 100 - 101, took to doctor Monday morning and had a little bit of wheezing, Dr. Cuming was more aggressive than normal due to 3 days before Christmas started her on Orapred ODT 15 MG (Steroid) for 5 days, Azithromycin 200mg (ZPAC) for 5 days and our regular every 4 hour breathing treatment regimine, cough was bad at night for 2 nights and she was back at 100 percent 48 hours later. Went to 3X breathing treatments 3X day days 3 and 4, 2X/day 5 and 6, 1X day - day 7 and cough completely gone. - 19 months & 2 days
- Friday afternoon low grade fever not acting herself, continued into Saturday with extreme fussiness, fever and major thick drooling and not wanting to eat or drink. She would cry after coughing. Took to North Central Urgent Care and diag. with bacterial throat inffection. Dr said looked VERY painful and said that is why she is not eating. RX's Tylenol with Codeine and Cephalexin 350mg/5mL 4X a day; woke up much better on Sunday - just shy of 19 months
- Went #2 in potty after squating down in hall, I asked her if she wanted to go in potty and she got up and went to bathroom. She had pee'd in diaper but I her put on potty and she quickly pooped (probably coincidence!) - 18.5 mo
- Addie's new teachers's have said 3 days in a row she is the best listener in class - 18.5 months (Yea right!!!!)
- Transitioned for Mrs. Linda, Kim and Elizabeth's 12-17 mo. room to Ms. Chayo, Erin and Lynn's 19-24 month room - 18.5 months
- Follow up at ENT 2 weeks post tubes - they look great. - 18.5 months
- 18 month Stats: Weight - 27 lb & 7oz. (90th%); Length 33 (90th%); Head Circum - 49.5 (97th%) Healthy otherwise, got just a polio vaccine. Personality at 18 months: stubborn, daddy's girl and VERY ornery at this age
- Tubes put in by Dr. Nau - woke up from anesthesia fighting and kicking and wanting daddy & then fighting him when she got to him until 40 minutes later when they released us, walked outside, and she was suddenly perfect for the rest of the day... seriously. 5 days later - no change in sleeping, still going to bed at 8:15 and awaking on own happy at 6:30 AM EVERY SINGE MORNING with 1.5 to 2 hour nap at school. - 18 months
- For the last 10 days we have noticed FINALLY no more crying when we put her down to go to sleep. Around 8, after reading books, we start talking about going to "night-night," close all her wood blinds together, allow her to turn on her air purifier (noise machine) and she lunges for bed with her white lamb. By the time we turn on monitor in bedroom, she completely asleep on stomach. - 18 months
- Took Addie to Dr. Nau, ENT, and he agreed she needed tubes. Scheduled for Monday morning 6:30 AM! 17 mo. & 2 wks
- Teachers at daycare commented on Addie at 17 months: "She is the biggest tester. She looks at us when we say no and then does it just to get a reaction and then giggles."
- After being EXTREMELY clingy & fussy as well as waking up at at 2AM for 2.5 hours in middle the night the previous night - took to Goodnight Pediatrics to find right ear infection (9th ear infection in 11 months) - RX'd Biaxin BID for 10 days. Biaxin is disguisting thick nasty tasting antibiotic. If we put it in with milk for her to take it turns the entire huge cup of milk SOUR within 10 min. We found best success with Strawberry Lemonade Crystal Light. - 17 mo & 2 wks
- Took Addie into Dr. Cuming for follow up from 2.5 wks ago having double ear infection, ears not infected (left still had fluid) however lingering dry cough had a severe amoung of wheezing. Did breathing treatment in office which cleared up wheezing and Dr. Cuming believes Addie could have asthma. Treating her with breathing treatments every 4-6 hours to see if chronic cough goes away. Rx's Albuterol .021% every 4-6 hours until cough gets much better then every 12 hours AS WELL as Pulmicort .5mg every 12 hours (12 days in treatment, cough is significantly better, especially after 5 days of antibiotic for ear infection. (I wonder how much that is playing a role in cough?) - 17 months
- Double ear infection after a few days of LOW GRADE fever, no higher than 99.5 and clear runny nose with dry cough - RX'd Augmenton for 10 days. (Goodnight pediatric late night visit) - 16 mo & 3 wks
- Started learning Spanish at school 2X a week at 16 months. She knows "cabeza," "ojos," "orejas," "boca," & "nariz." They are learning colors as well this week. - 16 months
- 15 month check up - WEIGHT: 15 lbs & 6 oz (90%); LENGTH: 31 & 3/4" (80%); HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE - (98th%) - everything normal and slightly above normal with development
- Started whole milk on Sunday-Aug 16, did great during the day however starting milk was the EXACT same night she woke up crying at night, so after 3 days of milk and although doing great during the day with no fussiness or gas, went back to SOY on 4th day just before the same day diag. with ear infection, went BACK TO WHOLE MILK the following day and has happily been on it ever sense - 15 months
- After 4 nights of waking up an hour after going to bed and being inconsolable, NO TEMP EVER OVER 98 degrees, diagnosed with right ear infection, at Goodnight Pediatrics. We thought was teething since molars continuting to break through - Rx'd Augmenton for 10 days (5th ear infection total, however, first one in 5 1/2 months.) - 15 months
- 3 molars all broke through at same time (all while sick which probably made it worse!) - 14.5 months
- Completely done with the 1 last bottle to put her to bed (threw all bottles away in the house!) - 1 year, 2 months & 2 wks (FINALLY!)
- Sick with high temp for 4 days and runny nose, dr. orginally thought cold but went back to find red irriatied throat, tested negative for strept but started Amoxicillin, 2 following days Addie still VERY lethargic sleeping till 11AM and very clingy and tired, off balance, light rash over stomach and woke up on 6 th day with left eye lid very swollen, frusterated with ped, so took to Goodnight Pediatrics to see Dr. Sutherland (we love her) and stongly thinks "adenoviral infection," she did quick test (blood drawn) for "Mono" which was negative, overall white blood count was fairly normal indicating not a bacterial infection but there are cells specific to Viral infection that were slightly high indicating along with the symptoms Adeno Virus. Eye determined as "Periorbital cellulitis" a bacterial infection from rubbing her eye, RX'd Omnicef since Augmenton only 40% effective in treating eye condition, did spread to other eye for 1-2 days, finally got Addie back at 100% 10 days after first sign of temperture, cough continues to linger at night - 14 mo & 1 wk
- Saw Pediatric Gastroenterologist- Dr. Ibarguen - Addie was currently sick with separate Viral Infection. Shared all symptoms and thought that we had seen a noticeable reduction in stomach pain by completely STOPING MOTRIN use and decided to double the Prevacid to 2X/day (since she was taking it a 6:30 AM, it could have been wearing off by 9 PM) and monitor symptoms for another month since she was doing okay, instead of doing invasive upper GI - 14 mo & 1 wk
- Really wants to use a spoon on her won when eating - does pretty good on somethings - 14 mo & 1 wk
- Can stack 10 blocks all by herself - 14 months
- Weighs 25 lbs 1 oz with no clothes on and 30 3/4 inches - 14 months
- Took to Dr. Cuming for extreme evening time fussyness and gas, drew blood for Gluten test, tested liver, anemia, etc... all back normal. Now, have appointment with Pediatric GI - Dr. Ibarguen for this Thurs. - 14 months
- First "fight" with Ella over Ella's pink baby stroller - I am sure many more to come - 14 mo & 1 wk
- Hair - is light golden brown getting much lighter this summer, wet, it is about 4-5 inches long however TIGHT 1/2" wide curls are stuck to her head all around. Eyes are hazel with a line of blue around the edges - 14 months
- So sweet and loves to share however starting to get a little upset if Carter takes something from her (can you blame her???) - 14 months
- LOVES to bring us things... ANYTHING - 14 months
- Still has mornings or afternoons of extreme fussiness - could it be not getting enough fat since drinking soy with only 1/2 the fat of whole milk becasue she seems a lot better when she drinks 12-15 oz of soy milk in a setting (Ask doctor) - 14 months
- Sleeping on toddler blow up air mattress when we travel and did GREAT! Yea... no more pack n' play. - 14 months
- First trip to the beach with her best friend Ella (Port Aransas) July 2009. She absolutely LOVED the beach and water and wanted to go out as far as she could in the water (fearless) Also leaves being thrown and will go under water - 14 months
- Her 7th tooth broke through (her bottom 3rd one on left) - 13.5 months
- We are still trying to figure out what exaclty her personality is going to be like - 13 months
- Noticed large cyst on her lower right gum, called doctor and said it was okay and there is nothing we can do until the tooth comes in in a few months - 13 mo & 3 wk
- Loves pointing at placed she wants to go and things she wants and saying "da or doy," and then laughing her distinctful laugh when you say what she wants (so adorable!) - 13.5 months
- Suddenly walking 100% of the time - 13 months
- Regularly using sign language, "More," when she wants more to eat - 13 months
- Favorite foods - scrambled eggs, peas, green beans and cheerios - 13 months
- Saying "Ma-Ma" very clearly and holding hands up to me - 12.5 months
- Trying to walk 60% of the time and bending down to pick up balls and standing up - 12.5 months
- Slight case of pink eye - 12.5 months. RX'd Vigamox 3X/day for 4-5 days, cleared up in less than 24 hours
- Transitioned to 12-18 month room with Ms. Linda and Elizabeth at 12.5 months. Also only taking 1 - 5oz bottle a day at night when going to bed AND taking 1 - 2 HR NAP/day (FINALLY!)
- Back to SOY MILK after waking up several nights in a row a couple hours AFTER going to bed and screaming unconsolably - 12 months & 1 wk
- Taking 12 steps across room - 1 year & 10 days
- Took her FIRST REAL 3 STEPS in Ella's room - 1 year and 3 days old! YEA!
- SO TOUGH... doesn't cry when knocked down,likes to rough house with Carter ALL THE TIME - 1 YEAR
- Switched to WHOLE MILK COMPLETELY - 1 YEAR (still taking 3 bottles a day with 3-5 oz while we transistion to sippy cups only)
- 12 month checkup: 24 lb and 11 oz (90th%); 30.5 inches (90th%); head circumference - 97th%- just like her brother!)
- 12 month checkup: 24 lb and 11 oz (90th%); 30.5 inches (90th%); head circumference - 97th%- just like her brother!)
- Walking everywhere in the baby pool with confidence - 11 mo & 3 wks
- Had first "write-up" at school for biting a friend, Jack Putniki - 11 months & 3 wks
- Walking well with holding on to one of our hands - 11 month & 3 wks
- Understands "feet-first" when coming down stairs, steps and our bed - 11 month & 2 wks
- 24 lbs and wearing mainly 18 month clothes - 11 months & 2 wks
- After 10 day follow up from ear infection, she has double ear infection again (4th one). Dr. Rx'd Augmenton for 20 days and if doesn't go away - schedule tubes. Augmenton causing HORRIBLE BMs. (stopped after 4 days, later restarted at 2.5 mg)-11 mo and 2 weeks
- Standing on own for 3-4 seconds - 11 months
- Diagnosed with 3rd ear infection in right ear and has cough - Rx'd (Cefdinir 125mg) Omnicef for 10 days (turned poop bright red but otherwise no bad side effects) - 11 months
- Climbed up all the stairs ALL by herself with no help - 10 mo & 3 wks
- Furniture cruising, stepping sideways, walking easily holding on to our hands - 10 mo & 2 wks
- Saying very definite "dadwwg" when she sees Maverick & Smokey - 10 mo & 1 wk
- Saying very definite "da-da" when she sees Blake - 10 mo
- Pulling up to standing position - exactly 10 months
- Diag. with viral cough/bronchiolitis (RSV negative) after taking her in for dry cough. Started breathing treatments w/ Xopenex q 6hrs for wheezing, developed fever & diagnosed w/left ear infection (2nd ear infections), RX'd Augmentin, steroid Orapred - Symptoms lasted 7 days, 3rd & 4th day the worse - 9.5 months
- Attempting to pull up to feet on EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME! - 9 mo & 2 wks
- Officially crawling well - 9 mo & 2 wks
- Rocking back and forth on hands and knees - 9 mo & 1 wk
- Waving bye-bye all the time - 9 mo & 1 wk
- Going from hands and knees to sitting up! - 9 months
- 1st bottom tooth breaking through - 9 months to the day
- Clapping by herself - 9 months
- 9 month check up: 21 lbs & 7 oz. (90%) length - 29" (90%) & head circum. 47 (97%)
- 8.5 month schedule: up around 6:30 AM, 8 oz bottle at 7AM, cereal at 8:45 AM, bottle at 10:30 AM, veggie baby food at 12:30, bottle at 2:30, dinner of veggie and fruit baby food at 5ish, bottle at 7PM, asleep by 7:30 PM
- Pushing up on all fours (stomach off the ground!) - 8 mo & 2 wks
- Holding bottle on own very well - 8 mo
- Horrible stomach virus for 9 days (hospitalized) - 8 months
- Starting cereal AGAIN 2X a day (3rd times a charm!)-doing well 7mo & 2 wks
- Will go from sitting position to stomach to try to reach for things (sometimes)- 7 mo & 2 wks
- Reaching and grabbing everything - watch out walking by anything! - 7 mo
- Weighs 21 pounds & wearing 12 month clothing-7 months
- 1st ear infection - Dec 22, 2008 - 7 months old
- Rejecting everything that goes near mouth - food, medicine, puffs, EVERYTHING! 7 mo
- Fed 10 OZ at 7 PM, in hopes of sleeping without additonal feeding @ 9; worked well, down to 4 feedings - 7 months
- Re-started rice cereal, prunes & bananas again - 6 mo & 4 wks
- Started Prevacid - 6mo & 2 wks-we think seems to be working, she is still spitting up some but less coughing at night, 4 wks in, hardley any spitting up and NO cough - it's working
- Wearing Size 4 diapers - 6 mo & 2 wks
- Tried Xantac for Acid Reflux - stopped after 2 days b/c of S/E - 6 mo & 1 wk
- Dr. said to hold off on solids for a month more. 6 wk & 1 wk
- Doctor diagnosed Addie with reflux! 6 mo & 1 wks (Looking back on this when she is 26 months, was it milk and rice allergy?!??!)
- Wearing mostly 12 month clothes!
- Sleeping on stomach - 6 mo & 1 wk
- Packed up the swing.. she would rather sit up now!
- Officailly Sitting up - over 5 minutes without falling (finally girlfriend! :))-6 mo & 1 wk
- In LOVE with Maverick! - 6 months
- Started carrots - 6 mo & 1 wk; still tounge reflex
- First trip to Tyler - 6 mo (did great in car)
- Squash - 6 mo
- Tried bananas and applesauce - 5 mo 3 wks
- Really putting weight on legs to push up 5 mo & 3 wks
- Started Soy formula - 5 mo & 3 wks (looking back on this when she is 26 months, this is yet another signal of milk allergy at less than 6 months old... wow)
- Nicknamed "CHEEKS" by mom
- Nicknamed "SMILES" by dad
- Going to sleep around 7:30 with one more asleep feeding at 8:30PM
- Really enjoys the bumbo!
- Not so big on the swing anymore - 5 1/2 mo
- Sitting up in bath tub - 5 mo &1 wk
- All foods stopped to see if allergy - 5 mo
- wearing 9 months clothes - 5 months
- Rolling Over - back to stomach 4 mo & 3 wks
- Eating prunes - 4 mo & 3 wks
- Eating cereal - 4 mo & 2 weeks
- Enjoys playing with toys on car seat - 4 mo 10 days
- Noticable more alert - holds head and shoulders all the way up when carrying her - 4 mo & 10 days
- Grabbing her toes! - 4 mo & 1 wk
- Eating 5 times a day - 7oz bottles - 7AM,10:45, 2:30, 6:30, 8:30PM - 4 mo & 1 wk
- Pushing up on hands - 4 months
- Blowing bubbles/gurgling almost 4 mo
- Holding head up well on tummy time - 3 1/2 months
- Sleeping 9-10 hours consistently - 12 weeks
- Only Eating 6 times a day - 12 wks
- Started Day Care - 12 weeks
- Smiling when she wakes up instead of crying-10 wks
- Sleeping 7-8 hours at night - 8 weeks
- Smiling - Since 7 weeks old
Monday, May 19, 2008
Addison will be here tomorrow - May 20, 2008!
Carter loves feeding the dogs and eating the food too!
Each night, Carter loves to carry both the dog bowls to the garage to fill them with food and feed the dogs.
However recently, as we fill the bowls, he dives in and picks up a couple of pieces and starts munching down on them. We are probably horrible parents to grab our cameras and think that 1-2 pieces a day will give him some extra protein.
He knows he is busted!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Here are some brand new videos of Carter!
He will be a big brother this coming Tuesday, May 20th... so we are enjoying some good quality one-on-one time before the big day. (Which of course involves a ball at all times!)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Last few weeks of being pregnant with Addison...
...have been very rough on my back! But that is due to the 50 pounds I have already gained with still a few more weeks to go. (Thanks in part to Dairy Queen's Oreo and Cookie Dough Blizzard EVERY SINGLE DAY for 6 months!) I cannot wait to have a healthy child born and be able to get back into some serious shape... I dream about it at night, being strong and in shape and able to lift Carter up without me crying!
This picture was in April 2008.
And this was the last picture I have of the 2 of us pregnant together on May 4, 2008. This was just 10 days from when Megan Perkins went into labor and had Ella Pearl Perkins on May 14, 2009.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Carter working on both hands dribbling!
Most everyone knows how obsessed with 'Balls' Carter has been since he was 9 months old. He has been bouncing balls since he could stand, for well over 4 months now. Everyone that sees him is in disbelief! I guess because Blake and I have never been around a 12-16 month old before we never knew what was normal or not.
Here are a couple of videos of Carter doing what he loves more than anything.... bouncing, dribbling and shooting basketballs!
Here are a couple of videos of Carter doing what he loves more than anything.... bouncing, dribbling and shooting basketballs!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Carter's 1st "Put-Put" this weekend!
Carter is 16 months old and becoming so smart!
What a fun age Carter is at! He understands way more than we imagine and he surprises us everyday. He loves shoes and always want to have them on or in his hands. I think he associates them with going outside. He will try repeat almost anything we ask him to and at nap time and at night will say "Night night," when we put him in his crib to go to sleep!
Although, I don't think he has any clue why there is this pink, "girly room," suddenly in our home, he does likes to play in Addison's crib
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