Today, we celebrated Carter's 1st Birthday with our family, friends and neighbors. His birthday cake was a perfect representation of the theme of his party!
I made sure he had his own cupcake to "dive" into.
Mema and Carter
MeMe "Diane" and Carter.
Uncle Mike and Grandpa Joe.
Carter checking his cupcake out. Initially he was very cautious. This was his very first sweet of any kind.
Dear Carter,
I can't believe you are almost 1 year old. It feels like just yesterday we found out we were pregnant with you and here we are already with a little brother or sister on the way in just 5 short months. You have been such an amazing and good baby and have brought your dad and I even closer as we spend every day caring and loving you. We can't wait to continue our journey together and show you the world and all that it has to offer.
We love you,
Your birthday present from us, a Kettler tricycle.
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