Meeting my baby boy for the very first time at 9:18 PM on Monday, December 18, 2006. After checking into labor and delivery 27 hours ago to be induced 7 days early, we have a healthy 8 lb & 9 oz. baby boy.

Patty, my final nurse, of nearly a dozen, was a gift from God. As the pressure of time was not on our side, having my water broken for over 12 hours, Dr. Gallagher had given me one more hour to progress before we were going in for an induction. I desperately wanted to have Carter naturally and Patty did everything she could to make that happen. Even though I was exhausted and Carter showing some signs of distress with his heart rate plummeting as large contractions occurred, she kept flipping me from side to side in efforts of getting my dilatation moving from the 6 cm it had stayed at for majority of the afternoon. Well, it worked and before we knew it around 8 PM, I was feeling major pressure and when checked, I had gone from a 6 to a 10 in less than an hour.

So perfect and beautiful.
Carter meeting his incredible father for the very first time.
Uncle Clint and PaPa Lance drove in from Dallas just in time for the birth. In fact, they almost walked into the labor and delivery room as it was going on!

Ya-Ya was with us most of the day and Erin was at the hospital all night patiently waiting.
My dad, Bill and of course, step-father Joe wouldn't have missed the most special day for the world.
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