Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Then and Now

Carter - 3 months exactly

Just 41 months later and a little bit more "core" strength...

Monday, August 30, 2010

"Anything Like Me" - Blake and Carter

So, today I'm parked in front a doctor's office preparing for an important lunch appointment and had switched the CD player off from the book on tape I was listening to to the radio right as they were introducing a new song. For some rare reason, it had my complete attention from the first note and by the last verse... I had tears falling down my cheeks with the saddest and yet the happiest feeling in my stomach. So, with our beloved Blake and "daddy" out of town this week, we wanted him to hear this song and tell him how amazing of a father and husband he is! We miss you!
I pray every day that Carter turns out JUST like you in every single way.

The Lyrics:
I remember saying I don't care either way
Just as long as he or she is healthy I'm ok
Then the doctor pointed to the corner of the screen
And said "You see that thing right there well you know what that means"

And I started wondering who he was going to be
And I thought heaven help us if he's anything like me
He'll probably climb a tree too tall and ride hes bike to fast
End up every summer wearing something in a cast

He's gonna throw a ball and break some glass in a window down the street
He's gonna get in trouble oh he's gonna get in fights
I'm gonna lose my temper and some sleep
It's safe to say that I'm gonna get my payback if he's anything like me

I can see him right now knees all skinned up
With a magnifying glass trying to melt a Tonka truck
Won't he be a sight with his football helmet on
That'll be his first love til his first love comes along

He'll get his heart broke by the time he's in his teens
And heaven help him if he's anything like me
He'll probably stay out too late and drive his car too fast
Get a speeding ticket he'll pay for mowing grass

He's gonna get caught skipping class and be grounded for a week
He's gonna get in trouble we're gonna get in fights
I'm gonna lose my temper and some sleep
It's safe to say that I'm gonna get my payback if he's anything like me

He's gonna love me and hate me along the way
Years are gonna fly by I already dread the day
He's gonna hug his momma, he's gonna shake my hand
He's gonna act like he cant wait to leave
But as he drives out he'll cry his eyes out

If he's anything like me there's worse folks to be like
Aw he'll be alright if he's anything like me.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pillow Talk

Ever since Carter saw his coustin Marshall's fancy pillow at the lake a couple of months ago he has mentioned having his own pillow. Since he does sleep soundly on one every night combined with the fact that we do seem to travel a bunch, I thought it was time for them to have their own pillows that they each could pick out. I thought about making the simple little things but when I thought about my already insaine section of "nice to do's" on my already completly filled, typed, font sized 10, back and front To-Do List, I thought I may have some other better places, personally, for my time.... :) But we did go together to THE PILLOW STORE as Carter now calls BED BATH & BEYOND and they picked out their own pillow and protective case, such a big deal to toddlers! They also did choose the color and style of the case and were so excited this last week when they finally arrived in the mail!
I am thinking it a win win, as I will more than likely get to use one during long drives in the car!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Thre Of My Favorites - Aug. Beach Trip

Andy, Blake and Carter in the early morning sunrise.
These 2 could pass as twins in this picture!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Addie's FIRST Haircut!

No expensive $30 toddler hair cut here. Over the last few months I had been noticing a bit of a "mullet"  on Addie. She had these 2 tight 'cow curl' ringlets down her back. As I started paying attention, I was noticing that these specific pieces of hair were substantially longer than the other hair that was 2-3 inches shorter and it was this longer section that was constantly filled with tangles.
I just evened up the bottom a little and was pretty proud momma considering that cutting curly hair is a lot tougher than I imagined. Every time I went to cut below my fingers, the curls were all ready curled around my fingers, leaving me no option but to cut ABOVE my fingers...
So in the end, I trimmed a good 1.5 inches off of the longest strands just in the back but the great news is NO MORE TANGLES the past few days!
AND I DON'T THINK I'll have to worry about "cutting the curls off..."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Then and Now

Addie at 15 months - First trip to Port Aransas.
Addie at 27 months on her third visit to Port Aransas.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Siblings "Surfing"

Perhaps next year they will be ready to take it out to the first sand bar.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Blake Picking Up The Ladies On The Beach...

From a distance you would have thought Blake had a 8 week old black lab puppy tied to this old PVC pipe contraption.
Because with in a few minutes of walking up and down the beach, Blake had a following of a dozen women and kids curious as to what he was finding...
This "shrimp" finder had to be, hands down, the BEST toddler toy ever keeping their attention for HOURS all 3 days! After we would get a bucket full of shrimp, we would speed up the "circle of life" a bit and feed them to the awaiting sea gulls.
Blake got good exercise throwing the kids around on the boogie boards.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Then and Now

August 2009 - Girls were 15 months old fascinated by a new thing called a water fountain.
August 2010 - The girls are 27 months old and even more engrossed by it.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Easy Clean Up!

It's great that my kid's have such cool parents that were all up for a super last minute dinner and swim at the pool this week. A home-made potluck hot meal combined with swimming = super clean house with no clean up! (a WIN WIN for both)
Perhaps one of the last pictures of Jack kissing his mom as an only-child!??!?!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Kids' First Bar Complete With LIve Music & Slushes!

After all our exploration, we decided to cool off with a cold slushy. It is truly a breath of fresh air to see the difference in the people of Port Aransas. Blake didn't have cash on him for the slushies and the man told Blake not to worry about it. After Blake ran to the nearest ATM and took the man the money he owed him, the guy was seriously shocked that Blake really went all the way to the ATM to get money for him. It happened with Kelly and I the night before while we were picking up some dinner as well! I doubt if the antidepressant market it too big in Port Aransas, TX.. it doesn't seem like they worry about too much at all! :)
This tonight, we will remember forever. The kids were both in GREAT moods after 4 hour naps. I wanted to go explore Port Aransas as I remembered it as a child and we stumbled across this amazing out door place next to Woody's. The band was doing a sound check and the kids were fascinated with them and loved making up as many games as we could including the bar favorite that had all the other guests entertained with C & A dropping a fishing line weight through the hole in the center of the table and getting it to land in the PVC pipe below... only in Port A right?!?