We celebrated with a visit to our favorite Dr. Cuming! I won the bet Blake, I and the rest of the office staff made on what Miss Addison would weigh with just a diaper on. Blake guessed around 16.5 lbs and I said 16.10 lbs... well she surpassed even me weighing in at....

Yes, the scale says 16 pounds and 13 oz, an increase of exactly 9 pounds in just 4 months! (This is the 97th percentile)

She was 25.5 inches long. (90%)

Her head circumference was 43 (cm...I am guessing) (93%)

Now, let's take a second and compare this to her older and
(at least for now) bigger brother Carter at exactly 4 months of age.
Carter Addison
weight 15lbs 4oz (50%) 16lbs 13oz (97%)
height 26.5 inches(95%) 25.5 inches(90%)
head circ 43.5 (95%) 43(93%)
Overall, doc said she was super healthy and to keep doing what we are doing!