These 2 girls were the biggest part of my life my junior and senior year at Texas A&M. We were blessed to have Kelli's family buy a beautiful house for us to live in and share more memories that I can even write about. 3 of my biggest loves began in that house during those 2 years - drinking coffee black, drinking robust red wines and the love of boxers!
This November, Kate married her college sweet heart, Ricky Wood. Tonight, they began their lives' together at a beautiful outdoor ceremony in a bed and breakfast near Fredricksburg, TX. Kelli came all the way in from Boston for the big weekend. Alli traveled from Houston for one night for us all to be together again for the first time since last year at Alli's bachelor party in South Beach.

The Sterling Family, Steve, Kelli, Kim and Colby. I couldn't get enough of this family during college.... so much fun and so amazing. Kim gave me so much insight on having a successful marriage and I will always remember her telling me that, "there will always be rough patches... and there are times I have wanted to kill him... but you work through those times together." I have so much respect for their family dynamic and the love they have always had for one another.
This photo of Kate was stunning.
I look about 12 months pregnant in this polka dot top tonight at 36 weeks pregnant.